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Urban Design - Camberwell Beauty Mosaic
Urban Design - Camberwell SSAD
Urban Design - Block Proposal Diagram
Urban Design - Camberwell Green
Urban Design - Building Uses Diagam



Urban Atelier have produced a vision for a

large site on Denmark Hill in Camberwell Town Centre. Our vision highlights how the site is key in creating spaces and improving connectivity within the area. It also outlines how through the thoughtful design of the proposal, the regeneration of the site can enhance the Camberwell Green Conservation Area. By creating routes through the site, we generate additional active frontages which

will draw people from the overcrowded high

street into a new public plaza.

Urban Regeneration - Tooting Markets Area Proposal
Urban Regeneration - Tooting Markets Area - Artist's Imression
Urban Regeneration - Tooting Local Area Analysis
Urban Regeneration - Tooting Market
Urban Regeneration - Tooting Market



Our vision for Upper Tooting High

Street highlights how the Markets Area in

Tooting Town Centre offers enormous potential to

enhance the area, yet protect the unique character with its vibrancy and diversity. The main aim is to respond to the needs of the local community by providing the area with a high quality, green public amenity and events area, a sense of place, which residents and visitors can retreat to away from the busy roads. Part of the proposal is a landmark

tower which will be visible from the Tooting

Broadway Station forecourt, drawing

people into the new vibrant centre of

the Tooting Markets Area. 

Urban Atelier - Masterplanning Exploded Digram
Urban Atelier - Masterplanning Proposal



Urban Atelier have developed a Masterplan for a large site in West London to form the basis of a bid document and bid presentation for a private Client. The proposal was for a residential led mixed use scheme on a key site in West London. Urban Atelier provided a strategy to unlock this site and maximise its potential and supported the client through the various stages of the bid process.

Urban Atelier - Masterplanning Exploded Routes Diagram



Barking Town Centre is vibrant and

diverse with a strong, unique character. The

Team at Urban Atelier have produced a proposal

for a site at its heart which aims to preserve and enhance these qualities. Visual connections are enhanced by creating new views and via the protection and framing of existing views of significance. Through the creation and enhancement of active frontages, vital

routes are opened through the Town

Centre and key public squares

are framed.   

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